In this article we will show you how to order correctly in the Krannich webshop to get your goods as quickly as possible, where to view the status of your order and how to secure your supply in the best possible way in the current situation.
Our Krannich webshop shows you the corresponding availabilities of all items. If you would like to place a collective order, the delivery date is always the date of the item with the latest availability. Therefore, pay great attention to your order process and also pay attention to the availability of the different items when placing a collective order. The articles with a later availability, pull your complete order backwards. If you would like to receive the articles at different delivery dates, order them separately by product families and in monthly quantities, if possible. For the earliest possible delivery, we recommend that you order modules and substructures of storage units and inverters separately in the ordering process. In the current situation, some goods have better availability than others. To ensure your availability, we also recommend you to put goods on your stock, so you increase your flexibility and security of supply.
By the way: With our new category "Best availabilities" you can see the articles with the best availability at a glance on a daily basis - sometimes even in large quantities.
Take advantage of the order overview option in the Krannich webshop. You can view your current order status yourself at any time. The documents associated with the order, such as the order confirmation, the delivery bill or the invoice, are available for download at any time. Use also the filter and search function for a better overview, so you get for example the order number, commission, Krannich Art.No. or the expected shipping date clearly displayed. With this overview we would also like to support you in your cash flow planning. In order not to delay the delivery of planned orders unnecessarily, please always keep an eye on the status of your open items as well as possible prepayment invoices and help us with a timely and, if necessary, earlier settlement for the timely delivery of your goods.
Stay up to date. Contact your account manager or use our various information channels. There you will always find the most important news
Don't wait, secure your inventory now to ensure your availability in the future. Place your orders
for the next month’s already now. To cover your regular basic needs, we recommend you
place steady stock orders for the relevant items. The earlier you place your order with us,
the better we can determine the demand and in turn place it with the manufacturer.
A brief look behind the scenes: The demand for orders is enormous, and in order to be able
to meet this demand we endeavor to process it using various strategies. For example, we try to
prioritize flexibly and, despite a first-come-first-serve principle, to help cover even short-term needs quickly.
Since, for example, our internal effort for orders of entire module pallets is lower,
this can lead to faster processing in individual cases.
We do not yet see any easing of the supply situation in the market. We also place our orders
with manufacturers between six and 12 months in advance. We also recommend this procedure
to you for optimum planning of goods deliveries. Receiving goods as flexibly as possible,
e.g. in a warehouse, also supports the supply chain.
Take a look at our explanatory videos for the order overview. Here you will find a step-by-step explanation of how you can view your current order status at any time.
Or watch our latest YouTube video on this topic. Our CSO Jan Brunner has taken the time to answer three of the questions most frequently asked of us at the moment.