BRC Solar introduces its latest innovation, the Power Optimizer M500/14, a testament to top-tier German engineering. This power optimizer is designed to maximize energy output, even in challenging conditions such as shaded roofs or varying roof orientations and inclinations.
In a typical photovoltaic (PV) system, modules are often connected in series. In this setup, the current flowing through all PV modules is dictated by the module receiving the least sunlight. This means that even if other modules could generate more power under full sunlight, their output is limited by the weakest module, leading to a notable reduction in overall energy yield.
With the MPP (Maximum Power Point) tracking system, an inverter tries to run the entire PV system at its peak performance. It can either bypass the underperforming module using a bypass diode or adjust the entire string current to match the weakest module. The BRC optimizer, when attached to a module, can automatically sense if the required current isn't being met. It then begins its optimization process, ensuring the inverter receives the ideal MPP string current and also channels the module's maximum available power into the string. This ensures that the system operates at its maximum potential, eliminating any system-wide slowdowns. An added benefit is the prevention of hot spots, which can lead to faster wear and tear on frequently bypassed modules.
The BRC optimizer brings unparalleled flexibility to system planning. It only needs to be connected to modules that might have reduced power output. With its Plug & Play feature, installation is a breeze, and the optimizer is operational as soon as it's connected to a module.
For those who use planning tools like PV*SOL or Solar.Pro.Tool, the optimizers can be easily integrated. This not only saves on planning and installation time but also results in highly efficient PV systems. To ensure broad system compatibility, the Power Optimizer M500/14 has been rigorously tested and found to be compatible with most popular inverters. A comprehensive list of compatible inverters can be found on brc-solar.de/en/.
Harness the power of the sun more efficiently with BRC Solar's Power Optimizer M500/14.