We are always on the look-out for new recruits who are keen to work with us on achieving our vision of 100% renewable energy, and who are convinced that we can always achieve more as a team. Come and meet our departments and find out more about our work together.
Global growth is bringing new employees – and a constant search for new colleagues. There’s a lot to do to ensure everything works and everyone feels comfortable. Candidates, employees, executives, management – they all have questions. We provide answers. Hands full? Big hearts! With empathy, openness and sensitivity, we provide the right solution to every situation. And a dash of humour on top.
Customers or business partners, visitors or colleagues – no one gets past us! We are the first point of contact for all kinds of tasks. Over the phone, by email or in person. Organisational talent and a cool head are vital to maintain an overview and juggle all these commitments. Sometimes frantic? Always friendly! A warm smile, and on we go!
Everyone’s talking about digitalisation. But at Krannich, we’ve already turned words into action, with our website and webshop that place online operations at the centre of our day-to-day business. New challenges? Innovative solutions! Varied, exciting and never boring! With our colleagues in sales and marketing, we’re exploring new avenues, always one step ahead. And we welcome new colleagues. Commitment and motivation are key – it’s all about going the extra mile.
Communication is everything – and we do everything to make communication great. Online campaigns, trade fairs, brochures, advertising and promotional materials: you name it, we plan and realise it. At national level? Sure. And international, too! Responsibility for the marketing measures at our branches is rooted in the interface between headquarters and sales. Fast decisions, flat hierarchies, individual ideas. Welcoming spontaneity and flexibility, embracing communication and dynamism, always working as a team!
Back office and field service work hand in hand in every sales region. Always delivering a strong impression. Social skills and technical expertise form the backbone of solid relationships with both customers and suppliers. The secret of eternal loyalty? Continuity with a dash of determination! Add in personal responsibility and transparent communication, and there you have it: intrapreneurs.
The interface between sales, dispatching and logistics – the cornerstone of smooth processes. Starting with order creation, and going far beyond timely delivery. Goal of the day? Complete satisfaction! The winning formula: always stay on top of things. Ideally by communicating with sales colleagues and contacting customers. This works very well. And it’s even better with new, motivated and communicative colleagues.
Our door stays open even when the sale is completed! We work with other departments, suppliers and logistics partners to act as a direct link to our customers. Sound stressful? No sweat! We bring flexibility, organisational talent and empathy to the table to solve fascinating challenges. And we are the go-to partner for all kinds of technical questions and problems related to our products.
Responsibility is our watchword when we enter negotiations. Terms and conditions of purchasing are right up our street. Global is the norm for us. On time delivery for ideal stock levels and efficient supply lines for sales. Top goods? Great prices! Working together for our future – and everything you can buy to make it better.
Contracts with customers and suppliers are our main focus. But there are also all kinds of legal questions from colleagues around the world. Is there one right answer? That depends! Professionals with legal expertise and a business mindset who can devise pragmatic solutions are always welcome!
Our mission? Expansion, setting up new branches, and management and support of established national subsidiaries. Our motivation? Interfacing with our local teams to be successful and perform a little better every day! Personal relations? Regular connections! For this reason, daily communication is all part of the job – but so is travel to our branches and to trade fairs and regional meetings.
You don’t have to reinvent the wheel, but you do need to keep it turning. That goes for the entire IT infrastructure throughout all our departments and branches, and applies to support and critical large-scale projects alike. A problem defined is a problem solved! Communication is key, in the team and worldwide.
Goods in, goods out. A clear overview and full control are vital. Incoming goods are inspected and stored, outgoing goods loaded on pallets. All a matter of coordination? Yes, and concentration! To ensure goods always reach their destinations intact, complete and on time.
Efficiency is not automatic. Keeping a watchful eye on the figures, we are in constant communication with all operational departments worldwide. With sales revenue, costs and liquidity as our main priorities. And if something isn’t going smoothly, we seek out the causes and support the solutions.
We keep a seamless record of all transactions – nothing slips through. These figures form the basis of our annual results. Customer receivables and supplier payables are a further focus. And then there’s accounting, cash flows and liquidity. Figures, figures, figures – we can’t get enough of them! Down to the last decimal place.
Large-scale photovoltaic projects need comprehensive support. Goals are reached in many stages, from approval to planning and installation. Not forgetting maintenance and operational management of existing photovoltaic power plants. Expertise? All-rounders! If you have a flair for planning and technology plus commercial and contract knowledge, you could be the perfect fit!
Every purchase order reaches its destination – no question. As groupage freight, part- or full load, by parcel or courier service, in Germany, Europe and worldwide. Always on time. Always reliable. Working with a network of strong logistics partners. Sometimes routine? Mostly challenging! It’s vital to be flexible and keep the goal in sight. Sure, things can get frantic. No worries – we work hand-in hand.
Digitalisation today. And tomorrow? We drive ideas forward. Optimisation and automation are what it’s all about. We focus on our colleagues and their daily work, and create a vision for their future. Complex, but never complicated. With plenty of communication, plenty of responsibility and lots of interesting ideas. For every single one of us. And for the whole team.
Our corporate vision: 100% commitment to 100% renewable energy. We exist to make this as sustainable as possible. We act as an interface between the various departments - because each of us has ideas and opportunities to influence the various dimensions of sustainability! Together we are making Krannich fit for the green future!
Not for us! We take care of tax issues for our subsidiaries worldwide. Whatever the issue, transfer pricing, value added tax (VAT), income tax, etc., we offer the right tax answers.