Kurt Krannich was always convinced by the idea of using solar power to generate electricity. A practical thinker and theoretical researcher rolled into one. The trading company thus rose to become one of the leading names on the global photovoltaic market. Today Krannich focuses its operations on the distribution of all components that make up a PV system. Our primary features are our roster of longstanding partners, our smart technology, our state-of-the-art systems – and our dynamic people. As a specialist wholesaler of photovoltaic supplies and systems, we are industry insiders, service providers, optimisation experts, consultants, and hands-on action-takers. But first and foremost, we are expert partners.
Think about photovoltaics, and you usually think of a roof covered with solar panels. These products are still central to our product portfolio. But there’s more. We have always supplied the full range of products for realising PV projects. For private households, commercial enterprises or even solar parks, as individual sections or all-in-one solutions. And our services involve far more than simply shipping products. They enable our customers to rely on outstanding availability and prompt provision.
Let’s be clear: we have a weakness for strong brands. When products truly win us over, we add them to our catalogue–and only then. Nothing but the best products for our customers. They can then be certain that our services always have the ideal solution.
OffersSolar modules
OffersStorage systems
OffersPower Optimisers
Originally a two-man operation, Krannich today is a successful international company. 25+ branches in 25+ countries and 1000+ employees worldwide. Owner-run, friendly, reliable. Personal responsibility and individual reliability are our outstanding strengths and the keys to our success.
Our roots are in Germany, but our success as a photovoltaics specialist extends across all continents. How do we do it? With passion! Our company’s founder and our employees have one thing in common: a passion for solar power.
Originally a two-man operation, Krannich today is a successful international company. 25+ branches in 25+ countries and 1000+ employees worldwide. Owner-run, friendly, reliable. Personal responsibility and individual reliability are our outstanding strengths and the keys to our success.
Our roots are in Germany, but our success as a photovoltaics specialist extends across all continents. How do we do it? With passion! Our company’s founder and our employees have one thing in common: a passion for solar power.
Our philosophy is: stay on the ball!
We aim to pass on as much knowledge as we can to our employees – but also to our customers. Our blog turns the spotlight on photovoltaic-related topics, explained clearly, understandably and transparently.
Important news, current topics in the industry, useful facts about photovoltaic technology and fun insights into Krannich Solar – by our employees, for our customers.